Do you want to know what my 9 Habits to ReDefining Life in Divorce are? 

We start January 18th!

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The 9 Habits to ReDefining Your Life After Divorce.


A 12 Week journey we take together, where we will be focusing on implementing my 9 Habits that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!


Life doesn’t have to be something that happens to us but something that happens FOR us.

An opportunity that we can create and shape into something we want for ourselves. With the influx of events in life that are entirely out of our control, there are many circumstances with which we actually do have a say in. 

When experiencing hardships,

sometimes we are inclined to feel discouraged and helpless. But, it’s important to remember that you can take control of your life by taking responsibility.  

A hard truth to hold in life is that if something is in your life, it is there because you said yes to it. Whether it be a relationship that isn’t fulfilling or happy, a job you hate, the way your boss treats you, the way you over extend yourself to negative people - whatever it is if we can hold that kind of truth and take responsibility for everything that is currently in our lives, now things can get real and that’s when true TRANSFORMATION can happen. 

This isn’t to negate that being a victim of abuse or violence or betrayal or anything like that is in your control - what I am saying is; “Ok, this happened… So what are you going to DO about it?” 

This isn’t to negate that being a victim of abuse or violence or betrayal or anything like that is in your control - what I am saying is; “Ok, this happened… So what are you going to DO about it?” 

A lack of responsibility for our lives

may show up in a variety of ways from....

When we become RESPONSIBLE for our lives it is the pivoting point towards true expansion. This is where growth and change can happen and as a result more things will go in our favour. 

BUT we have to be brave enough to take that responsibility first.


Do you want to create a better quality of life, filled with peace and joy?


Do you want to be more mindful and in control of how you approach the way you live your life?


Do you want to come at it with a fiery passion?


Or, do you view your reality with a lackluster lens of stuck, “whatever” ho-hom thinking? 

If you want to make your life BETTER in any way, the first step is taking responsibility and getting on board with the...

This program will teach you and empower you how to never leave your life in the hands of anything or anyone else but to take the reins for YOURSELF!

*ONLY 20 spaces available.*

We start January 18th!

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